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This is a public archive. We need your help to keep the data orderly and error-free, please carefully read and adhere to the following:

  • Add fiction books only. Before making a new entry, please check our database to ensure the book has not been listed there.

  • The book should be set in a real-world place in South Asia, its name clearly appearing in the text. If it is an unnamed or fictional city based on/in a real place, you may add it. However, please mention this and the name of the real city in a bracket. Example, Malgudi (fictionalised town located in Karnataka).

  • If you encounter multiple places in a story, please mention as many as possible, separated by commas.

  • In case of a change in name of a place, use the current name. Example, Bombay is now Mumbai, so we use Mumbai. This is just for consistency in data. 

  • We are accepting entries for books in all languages. In case of translations, please do add language of original publications.

  • In case you feel the need to explain anything about your listing, simply add that in the comments column. 

  • If you are an author or publisher, we request you to kindly help us identify and correct any inaccurate information regarding your books.

  • Your contributions will be reviewed and added to our website in regular intervals.

  • If you need any further clarification, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Help us map your city/town/village on the literary map of India and South Asia!

To contact us, or for updates, leave your email and comments here.

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